Leading High Holiday services can be daunting for many of us as we struggle to create meaningful experiences for our communities. Rabbis Edward Feld and Jan Uhrbach offer guidance for those crafting Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services:
The Heart of Yom Kippur Musaf
This week on the podcast, Rabbis Edward Feld and Jan Uhrbach discuss ways to fashion the Avodah and Elah Ezkarah sections of the Yom Kippur Musaf service to highlight these crucial, dramatic moments of the High Holidays.
This High Holiday series of the Derekh podcast is co-sponsored by the Block/Kolker Center for Spiritual Arts at the Jewish Theological Seminary.
Kol Nidre Services - Crafting Selichot and Vidui
At many synagogues, Kol Nidre is the most widely attended service of the year. This week, Rabbis Edward Feld and Jan Uhrbach make several suggestions for creating a meaningful Kol Nidre service from the plethora of prayers contained in the mahzor.
Rabbi Jan Uhrbach has also recorded several new tunes for Kol Nidre:
This High Holiday series of the Derekh podcast is sponsored by the Block/Kolker Center for Spiritual Arts at the Jewish Theological Seminary.
Approaching Kol Nidre
This week on the podcast, Rabbis Edward Feld and Jan Uhrbach explore ways to help your congregation to prepare for Yom Kippur and techniques for creating a meaningful Kol Nidre experience.
Rabbi Jan Uhrbach has also recorded a sample tune for Kol Nidre:
This High Holiday series of the Derekh podcast is sponsored by the Block/Kolker Center for Spiritual Arts at the Jewish Theological Seminary.
Introducing Shofar Blowing
This week on the podcast, Rabbis Edward Feld and Jan Uhrbach discuss how to create kavannah and intentionality leading into the shofar service.
This High Holiday series of the Derekh podcast is sponsored by the Block/Kolker Center for Spiritual Arts at the Jewish Theological Seminary.
Leading Rosh Hashana Musaf
Pomegranate, Yemin Moshe, Jerusalem, Photograph by Joe Goldberg via Wikimedia Commons.
This week on the Derekh podcast, Rabbis Edward Feld and Jan Uhrbach discuss how to convey the meaning of the special Rosh Hashanah sections of Musaf, and offer tips for keeping a congregation engaged to the very end of the service.
Rabbi Jan Uhrbach has also recorded several new tunes for Rosh Hashanah Musaf:
This High Holiday series of the Derekh podcast is sponsored by the Block/Kolker Center for Spiritual Arts at the Jewish Theological Seminary.