Selichot/Yom Kippur Program (in person) - The Gates Are Closing
Merle Feld’s award-winning play The Gates Are Closing is available for congregational and campus use. The play takes place in a synagogue on Yom Kippur in the 1980s, following 10 main characters who span a wide range of ages, backgrounds, and professions as they grapple with issues of identity, meaning, loyalty, betrayal, repentance, and forgiveness.
The Gates is best presented as a live reading, script in hand, with congregants taking the parts. It requires minimal preparation time and has proved a highly successful interactive program. Hundreds of colleagues have used The Gates are Closing over the past many years and continue to assess it as a powerful and moving experience, a particularly effective program as the congregation enters the High Holiday season. For more information about presentation, sample press release, post-reading discussion guide, and costs for rights to the play and a script, email Merle Feld via our Contact Page.

Praise for The Gates are Closing
[In The Gates are Closing,] a drama of great religious insight and nuance, Feld introduces us to a minyan of Jews on erev Yontif, from the assimilated to the rebbetzin, from a teenager to an Israeli yored, and explores their meshuggas, dreams and yearnings. By the play's end we realize we have been introduced to dimensions not only of our community but of ourselves. [The play reading] instigated probably the most thoughtfully lively High Holyday preparation we've ever had. The preparation involved a few rehearsals...the impact on all of us lasted well through Yom Kippur.
-Rabbi Lawrence Kushner
The Gates are Closing, which was performed in full before Slichot services, and in excerpted portions during adult ed workshops on Yom Kippur afternoon, was some of the most meaningful spiritual preparation for the High Holy Days that my congregation has experienced. I received only compliments from my congregants, who resonated with many of the themes raised by the play, were grateful to hear their own feelings validated through the diverse cast of characters, and entered Yom Kippur with a broader sense of how to open their hearts before God. Because the play is so well-written and because Merle herself is accessible for any questions, there wasn't much I had to do as the rabbi….
- Rabbi Beth Kalisch, Beth David Reform Congregation, Philadelphia, PA
Merle, I wish you could have been with us. The actors were truly amazing, every one of them. The audience was bowled over at the end, unable to say anything more than Wow… Thank you so much for offering this to us. Personally, it was a powerful window into people's souls during those long hours of prayer. You have so much insight into the human heart.
- Rabbi Barbara Penzner, Boston, MA
We offered the reading last night to high acclaim. The readers especially felt the impact of the themes. And the discussion following the reading was lively, compelling, and illuminating. The issues you raise are so real for most of us – unresolved issues with those in our present and in our past – including God, a desire to make ritual more meaningful but perhaps lacking the tools to do so, the brutal honesty of really being able to forgive, and the underlying preoccupation with a reach for closeness – with God, with each other, and with ourselves. I cannot imagine a more meaningful, real preparation for the High Holidays than performing your play. Thank you so much for sharing it with us."
- Rabbi Michael Whitman, The Adath, Hampstead, Quebec
One of the most effective High Holidays events I have arranged for my congregants was a staged reading of Merle Feld's play, The Gates are Closing. With a talented director (a congregant) and a cast of volunteers from the congregation, and with only two full read-through rehearsals between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, our troupe [presented the play] as a prelude to minha and ne'ilah on Yom Kippur. Refracted through the lives and problems of the play's characters, the discourse of repentance, reconciliation, and forgiveness suddenly took on personal meanings. Our own longings and hurts, our own hopes and fears, were seen and felt through their lives. Our experience of Yom Kippur was deepened…"
- Rabbi Peretz Rodman, Kehillat Beijing, China
[In The Gates are Closing,] Feld tells the stories of 10 people meeting to pray on Yom Kippur and facing themselves. It is a play full of tough and liberating honesty. Feld has hold of a vital feeling too few people try to invoke: the feeling of telling something you have carried alone. The weight lifts, and you are sad and tired and released and reminded that things can make sense again, as Feld says. And you are left with the rebuilding… ‘So long as Adam [in the Garden of Eden having eaten the forbidden fruit] pretends that hiding is possible, he cannot begin to find his way,' Feld’s Rabbi tells his people. 'God asks ‘where are you?’ to awaken Adam, to bring him out of hiding. Today is the day for you and me ... to come out of hiding.'"
- Kate Abbott, The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield MA