Reflect, Recover, Recenter: Readying for the Days of Awe

Welcome to Elul Spiritual Writing, or welcome back, as the case may be. It has been my pleasure in the past few years to offer you this opportunity for self-reflection and it is my hope that the writing you will do over the course of the next four weeks will allow you to dig deep, looking back on the year which is ending, considering how you lived in the year, discerning what can be learned from high moments and painful moments, and then mindfully visioning how you might continue in the year ahead to align your day-to-day life with the center of who you are.

How to prepare – in advance of Sunday August 28, buy a new notebook, one with pages large enough to stretch out thoughts and feelings. (I myself favor those old-fashioned composition notebooks, ample pages, inexpensive and therefore not threatening.) Why a notebook? Why write by hand? I’ll explain that along the way.

Included in this program are a variety of prompts for each week – you may write on just one prompt or all, you may write just once or twice during the week or each day – the choice is yours. You may want to do this writing solo, or perhaps reach out to a friend and create a writing chevrusa/soul partner with whom to process, to listen and be heard. Perhaps even form a small circle of fellow seekers with whom to write and share weekly or on a special evening.

I hope this month will offer you many riches of insight, intrigue, spaciousness, even healing, and that new paths open for you as you enter the new year.

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments.